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Fully in Focus - Discovering the Fullness of God     Cover Image
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Fully in Focus - Discovering the Fullness of God

Carol Graves

July 2010 9781609575984



“Lord, fill up the empty spaces in my life!”  Through life’s experiences, I have come to the realization that we all have those empty spaces.  Perhaps the emptiness is revealed in relationships, through disappointment or grief.  It may be found in tragedy, illness, loneliness or unfulfilled expectations.  Whatever the cause, focusing on the emptiness prevents us from experiencing the peaceful, abundant life that God desires for his children. The second book in the Fully in Focus series presents an additional 52 attributes of God in this faith building devotional. As readers grow in their knowledge of who God is, the emptiness that is experienced at times is replaced with an assurance that God is for us. Experience life transforming confidence and peace as you find that God is enough to fill those empty spaces we face in the journey of life.



God is Purposeful

 Purposeful:  resolutely aiming toward a specific goal; directed toward a specific end; not meaningless

How often do we hear people questioning the actions and motives of God?  During the times of natural disaster, at the death or misfortune of good people, during events in our own lives that seem inconsistent with God’s love and faithfulness -- even those who profess a strong faith in God may at times have unanswered questions.  Yet, the scriptures show us that God is purposeful.  His purpose is eternal.  1 Corinthians 13:12 says, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”  While we only see the situations that surround us or directly affect us, God sees eternity.  As we focus on the fullness of God -- all that he is -- we know that his love and faithfulness are present in his eternal purpose for our lives.  Our limited vision of eternity may bring about questions, but our clear vision of God brings peace.  God is purposeful and his purpose will stand; his purpose is perfect.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.